Monday, April 19, 2010

The Adle Connection (Adell)

Pictures: Hessian soldiers and the replica of a Hessian hut located at the Dyckman Farmhouse Museum, Inwood, NY.

Oral history tells us that Cornelius Adle was A Hessian Soldier who came to this country from Germany during the Revolutionary War but we have not found documentation to prove this. We first find Cornelius Adle (Adell) in Pownalbourough, Maine on the 1790 census as Cornelius Adle 1 1 4 0 0: Interpretation 1 free white male over 16yrs including head of household; 1 free white male under 16yrs of age; 4 free white females, including heads of families; 0 all other persons; 0 slaves. According to birth and death records this family in 1790 included Cornelius,39yrs; Christopher,7yrs; wife Catherine 28yrs; Betsey infant; Catherine 5yrs; and Susannah 2 yrs.
We know that Cornelius moved on to Readfield after 1800 and that our grandmother Sally was born about that time in August, 1800.
The spelling of Adle was changed to Adell around 1900. His descendants married into several old New England lines including: Fifield, Dudley, Sherburne, Gordon, and Savage.
FMI about Hessians soldiers:

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